Private & Group Retreats

Going on a spiritual retreat is a powerful way to deepen one’s connection to the divine and to nourish the soul. It is an opportunity to step away from the busyness of daily life and to devote time and attention to one’s spiritual practice.
Find your inner peace

Private Retreat

A personal spiritual retreat is a time set aside for deepening one’s spiritual practice and connecting with the divine. It is a time to step away from the distractions of daily life and focus on introspection, reflection, and meditation.

During your own spiritual retreat at the site of Govardhan, you may without disturbance engage in practices such as prayer, meditation and contemplative walks around Giriraj . It is an opportunity to slow down, listen to one’s inner voice, and reconnect with one’s deepest values and beliefs.

Personal spiritual retreat can be a transformative experience, helping you to gain clarity and perspective on your life’s purpose and direction. Whether undertaken alone or with the guidance of a spiritual teacher, a personal spiritual retreat can be a powerful tool for deepening one’s connection to the divine and finding inner peace and fulfillment.

Connect, reflect, and grow

Group Retreat

A group spiritual retreat is a time set aside for individuals to come together in community and deepen their spiritual practice. It is an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar values and beliefs, and to engage in practices that help you nourish the soul and cultivate inner peace.

During a group spiritual retreat, participants may engage in practices such as meditation, prayers or group discussions. It is a time to reflect on one’s spiritual journey and to support one another in a safe and nurturing environment.

Group spiritual retreat can be a transformative experience, helping you to deepen your connection to the divine and to strengthen your sense of community with others. It can be a powerful reminder that we are all on a shared journey of spiritual growth and that we are not alone in our struggles and challenges.

Whether undertaken with a specific religious or spiritual tradition in mind, or simply as a way to explore one’s own spirituality in the company of others, a group spiritual retreat can be a powerful and meaningful experience for all involved.

Preparing for Tranquility

What to Bring to Your Retreat Experience

GRC is a retreat center rather than a hotel and it is situated 2km from the nearest shops. So it is wise to consider what to bring with you to make your stay worry-free:

  • Mosquito repellent and/or netting
  • Towels/gumshas
  • Snacks (especially if you have children)
  • Warm clothes for the winter months
  • A hat to protect you from the sun, especially in hotter months
  • A water bottle
  • Indian Rupees (we don’t accept foreign currency)
  • An Indian SIM card (we only have wifi in the reception building). Airtel works well here. You can get the SIM card at the Delhi Airport after coming out of customs or we can provide at the GRC. We also recommend spending less time on tech-related instuments and more time on spiritual cultivation
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Let Us Take Care of You!

Unite in a journey of spiritual discovery. Retreat with a community or just invest in your soul and retreat today!

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