Surabhi Kund Festival of Lamps

Monday, November 20th 2024

Celebrate with the Govardhana Retreat Centre

Festival of Lamps

When: 20th November 2024

Time: 5pm onwards

Where: Surabhi Kunda, Near Jatipura, Govardhana

How to get there: Click here for directions

We joyfully invite everyone to attend our annual Surabhi Kund Festival of Lamps in the welcoming shelter of Giriraja Govardhana.

Throughout Vraja Surabhi Kund is revered as an especially potent place for granting forgiveness for offences and misdeeds.

Indra, in prideful anger, had poured torrential rains on the innocent and pure-hearted residents of Vrindavan. Amazingly, Indra’s anger and the danger he wrought inspired Sri Kåñëa to create the great festival of sheltering all the Vrajavasi’s beneath Govardhana Hill as He held it aloft for seven days.

Yet Indra had done wrong, and when he sought Krsna’s forgiveness he brought with him a heavenly Surabhi cow to soften Krsna’s mood. Surabhi offered her prayers and Indra obtained Kåñëa’s forgiveness.

At this festival, for the joy of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, and to assist in creating an atmosphere of remembrance and meditation, we will fill Surabhi Kund with the glow of hundreds of lamps and the sweet sound of devotees chanting Krsna’s holy names.

Our prayer is that this event will fuel within all who attend the burning flame of a great longing for devoted service to the divine couple and the servants of their servants.

The evening will conclude with delicious prasadam served to all.

We humble request you to attend!